You have 30 days to return an order after receiving it. If 30 days have gone by, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund.
With your Postnord shipment, you will receive a return note. Put it on the parcel and return your goods. You can leave it in a post office or in a postbox. If you got your order delivered with Budbee, read more about how to book a return here. After we receive the parcel we will make a refund and send you an email. The return fee is SEK 39.
Within Europe (the European Union) we offer free returns with Dhl. If you got your order delivered with Dhl you will also receive a return label in your package. If not or if you chose delivery with Ups you can e-mail our customer service at
For customers outside of Sweden the return shipping cost is paid by the customer. Always register your return with our customer support at before sending items back. Please provide us with the order number and the item that you wish to return.
If returned items are shipped internationally, clearly mark the package RETURNED GOODS to avoid any customs charges. Always make sure that the products are in the same condition as when you got them. The initial shipping cost will not be refunded.
It is the responsibility of the customer that the return reaches our warehouse so we highly recommend sending it with transportation which offers tracking. Returns to pick up point is not accepted. Make sure it is delivered to the warehouse address.
Send your parcel with your preferred transportation partner to:
Brizo AB - c/o Raptor
Energivägen 13
196 37 Kungsängen
Phone: +46850908855